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  • Individuals
  • Legacy Society
  • Corporate Sponsors
  • Volunteer
Ways to Give
Many opportunities to support the Holstein Foundation are available. Your gift makes it possible for the Holstein Foundation to offer quality programs for youth and young adults in the dairy industry - educating, inspiring and empowering them to strive for excellence. Your support is vital to the development of tomorrow's dairy leaders - helping prepare them for the ever-changing agriculture industry, or any career path they may choose.

The Holstein Foundation depends on contributions to grow and strengthen the programs that touch the lives of so many young people across the country. Gifts to the Holstein Foundation are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.

Unrestricted Gift
A gift without restrictions offers maximum flexibility to use the gift where it is most needed, ensuring the general excellence of the Holstein Foundation. Gifts may be cash, check or credit card paid in full, or pledges paid over a set period of time.

Memorials and Tributes
Memorial and tribute contributions provide a special opportunity to let family and friends know they are being remembered. These gifts are a great way to show someone you share their passion for the future of the dairy industry. A note is sent to the honoree letting them know a gift has been made in their honor.

Planned Gifts
A planned gift will allow you to provide for the long-term economic security of the people and causes you hold dear, as well as meet your current and future financial goals. There are several ways to arrange a planned gift, such as naming the Holstein Foundation as the beneficiary in your will, trust, retirement plan, or life insurance. Gifts may be in the form of cash, securities or closely held stock. The Holstein Foundation is pleased to honor those who have a planned gift to the Holstein Foundation in our Legacy Society. Visit the Legacy Society tab to learn more about this special recognition.
  Make a Gift Online


  Give by Mail
Checks should be made payable to
Holstein Foundation
and mailed to:
Holstein Foundation
PO Box 816
Brattleboro, VT 05302-0816

Please complete our Donation Form and enclose it with your gift.

  Give Over the Phone
The Holstein Foundation can be reached
from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at 800.952.5200 ext. 4124.
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